2019 was an amazing travel year. I visited four new countries including Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain and traveled to many new parts of India. From Ladakh to the Andaman Islands and from Srinagar to Pondicherry, I got a wonderful glimpse of what India has to offer.

In the spring, I traveled to Brazil to see a dear friend and took advantage of stopovers in Kiev, Paris and Heidelberg along the way. I went to the US to visit friends and family during the summer and in the fall, I took advantage of Saudi Arabia’s newly opened borders to create a trip through the Gulf States and made a quick trip through Bangladesh. In the winter, I flew to Kenya for Christmas and spent the holidays hanging out with elephants and backpacking along the Indian Ocean coast.

Throughout the year, I also took advantage of every long weekend to see as much of India as possible. Goa in February, Kashmir in April, Kolkata and the Sunderbans in October and Gujarat in December……plus many more in between!

Check out my year in review video to see a tiny selection of photos from my journey!

One Reply to “2019 Travels in Review”

  • Cool travels!

    I managed to hit all six habitable continents last year. Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Panama, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Germany, and technically a stop in Peru. I inadvertently got caught up in riots in Chile and managed to get my video and photographs in the majors. I also got stuck in Greece for a passport issue. All done over a break before work, two extended week vacations, and weekend travel. I wanted to see 10 new countries, but fell short when I missed Montenegro (Greece and Peru. I did make the goal of all continents by adding Australia and the Far East (just Turkey didn’t seem enough). I saw Chernobyl, a building explode in Frankfurt (malfunction with their fire suppression system), and the Komodo dragons.

    Sadly, this year will be short on the travels. Hopefully, things will improve quickly. Templins cannot seem to live without traveling.

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